PC World Komputer 2010 April
PSPad editor 4.5.4 build 2356 beta
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Text File
213 lines
; PSPad clip definition file for DocBook
; Author: Jan Fiala
[article | [status, parentbook, class] article, base element]
[articleinfo | article info]
[section | [label, status] document section]
[sectioninfo | document section meta-info]
[title | [pagenum] title section, article...]
[subtitle | document subtitle]
[abstract | document summary]
[appendix | [label, status] additional for <article>]
[para | paragraph]
[attribution | source description in <blockquote> or <epigraph>]
[abbrev | abbreviation (in most cases followed by point)]
[acronym | acronym]
[blockquote | longer block citation]
[citetitle | [pubwork] cite work title]
[epigraph | citation or motto on the begin]
[example | [width, label] formal sample with title]
[figure | [label, pgwide, float] pictre with title]
[emphasis | emphasize text]
[footnote | [label] footer note]
[keyword | key-word]
[keywordset | set of key-words]
[lineannotation | line anotation]
[note | note out of main text]
[phrase | selected text part (unspec.)]
[quote | citation (in line)]
[replaceable | [class] part of text, user can replace]
[sidebar | text part outside main flow]
[subject | [weight] <subjectterm> document theme description]
[subjectterm | item in <subject>]
[subjectset | container for <subject>]
[systemitem | [class, moreinfo] item referred to system]
[trademark | [class] trade mark]
[volumenum | volume number]
[table | table]
[informaltable | table without title]
[colspec | table column specification]
[thead | [valign] <colspec, row> table header]
[tgroup | logical table part]
[tbody | [valign] <row> table body]
[row | [rowsep, valign] <entry, entrytbl> table row]
[entry | table cell]
[itemizedlist | [spacing, mark] unnumbered list]
[orderedlist |<listitem> numbered list]
[listitem | [override] item list container]
[term | word or sentence described in <variablelist>]
[variablelist |<varlistentry> list with variable lenght items]
[varlistentry | list item <variablelist>]
[command | [moreinfo] program or command name]
[computeroutput | [moreinfo] text or computer output]
[email | email adress]
[filename | [class, path, moreinfo] file name]
[literal | computer data]
[literallayout | [class, format, width] computer data in block]
[option | option in program command]
[programlisting | [width, format] program list]
[ulink | [type, url] URL link]
[userinput | [moreinfo] user input data]
[link | [type, linkend, endterm] document link]
[xref | [linkend, endterm] cross reference to document part]
[firstname | person first name]
[surname | person surname]
[honorific | person title]
[lineage | person age specification, "Jr.", "Sr."]
[othername | second person name (except fist name and surname)]
[author | author info]
[authorgroup | if document has more authors, <author> is prefer]
[authorinitials | author initials]
[authorblurb | author blurb]
[corpauthor | corporation as author]
[affiliation | person affiliation]
[jobtitle | job title]
[orgname | organization name]
[inlinemediaobject | media object in line]
[mediaobject | media objects container]
[caption | desription <mediaobject>]
[objectinfo | object meta-info]
[textobject | object text container]
[audiodata | audio data link]
[audioobject | audio object info element]
[videodata | videodata link]
[videoobject | dideo object info element]
[imagedata | external picture link]
[imageobject | picture object info element]
[bibliodiv | bibliographic data]
[bibliography | bibliographic data container]
[bibliomisc | miscellaneous bibliographic info]
[bibliomixed | items in <bibliography>]
[bibliomset | [relation] bibliographic info container]
[copyright | document copyright info]
[date | revision or public date]
[edition | name or release number]
[editor | document editor name]
[holder | <copyright> holder]
[issuenum | issue number]
[legalnotice | document legal notice]
[othercredit | other credits]
[pubdate | publication date]
[publishername | publisher name]
[releaseinfo | release information]
[revdescription | revision description info]
[revhistory |<revision> revision history]
[revision | individual revision]
[revnumber | revision number]
[revremark | revision note]
[year | release year in <copyright>]